Office of the Governor-General
Point Salines
St. George's
Grenada, W.I.
: (473) 440-6639/440-2401
: (473) 440-6688
: [email protected]

The Governor-General
The Head of State in Grenada is King Charles III. In practice however, it is the Governor-General that carries on the business of Head of State as the King’s representative and in matters of law exercises his powers under the Constitution.
The Governor-General relates directly to His Majesty on matters affecting Grenada and references to or from His Majesty are transmitted through his Governor-General who will in turn refer to the proper authority in Grenada.
Neither the King nor the Governor-General takes an active role in the executive functions of government. Constitutionally, the Prime Minister shall keep the Governor-General fully informed concerning the general conduct of the Government and shall furnish him/her with such information as he/she may request with respect to any particular matter relating to the Government.
Appointment of the Governor-General
The Governor-General is appointed by the King as his representative in Grenada on the advice of the Prime Minister according to the Constitution of Grenada Chapter II, Sections 19 to 20 which states:
- There shall be a Governor-General of Grenada who shall be appointed by his Majesty and shall hold office during His Majesty’s pleasure and who shall be his Majesty’s representative in Grenada.
- A person appointed to hold the office of Governor-General shall, before entering upon the duties of that office, take and subscribe the oath of allegiance and the oath of office.
- (1) During any period when the office of Governor-General is vacant or the holder of the office of Governor-General is absent from Grenada or is for any other reason unable to perform the functions of his/her office those functions shall be performed by such person as his Majesty may appoint.
(2) Before assuming the functions of the Office of Governor-General any such person as aforesaid shall make the oaths directed by Section 20 of this Constitution to be made by the Governor-General.
(3) A person appointed as deputy under this section shall hold that appointment for such period as may be specified in the instrument by which he/she is appointed, and his/her appointment may be revoked at any time by the Governor-General, acting in accordance with the advice of the Prime Minister.
Role of the Governor-General
- Appointing the Prime Minister who is the member of the House of Representatives that appears likely to her to command the support of the majority of the members of that House.
- Acting on the advice of the Prime Minister appoints Ministers of Government from among the Senators and the members of the House of Representatives.
- Removing the Prime Minister from office if a resolution of no confidence in the Government of Grenada is passed by the majority of all members of the House of Representatives.
- Whenever the Prime Minister is absent from Grenada or is by reason of illness unable to perform his/her functions under the Constitution, the Governor-General acting on the advice of the Prime Minister may authorise a Minister to perform those functions.
- Appointing Senators on the advice of the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition; and Senators acting on the advice of the Prime Minister who would have consulted organizations and interests considered be represented.
- Acting in own deliberate judgement the Governor-General appoints a public officer as Supervisor of Elections.
- Dissolving Parliament on the advice of the Prime Minister.
- Appointing the members of the Boundaries Commission on the advice of the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition.
- Appointing Permanent Secretaries and other senior public servants acting on the advice of the Public Service Commission.
- Appointing the Director of Public Prosecutions, Magistrates and other Legal Officers acting on the advice of the Judicial and Legal Services Commission.
- Appointing the Leader of the Opposition.
- Acting in own deliberate judgement shall remove the Leader of the Opposition from office if it appears that he/she no longer commands the support of the largest number of members of the House in opposition to the Government.
- Appointing the Chairman of the Public Service Board of Appeal acting in own deliberate judgement. Of the other two members appoints one on the advice of the Prime Minster and the other on the advice of the General Civil Service Association and the Grenada Union of Teachers.
- Acting on the advice of the Minister designated for that purpose may grant a pardon to any person, free or subject to conditions; may grant a respite of the execution of any punishment imposed for any offence; may substitute a less severe form of punishment on any person for any offence; or may remit the whole or any part of any punishment imposed on any person for any offence.
- Declaring or revoking a declaration of emergency.
- Giving assent to bills passed by both Houses of Parliament.
- Reading of the Throne Speech which is in effect an outline of the Government’s proposed legislative programme for the immediate years ahead.
- Investing those persons who would have been honoured for outstanding services to the country.
- Accepting the credentials of Ambassadors accredited to Grenada.
- Receiving overseas dignitaries who pay courtesy calls on the Government.
- Participating in important roles in National Celebrations.
- As ceremonial Head of State, lending support to Non-Governmental Organizations and other institutions of the country.
- Patron to several organizations including: Grenada Red Cross Society; The Grenada National Council of the Disabled; The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme; The Grenada Yacht Club; The Grenada Amateur Radio Club; The Grenada Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals among others. Also president of the Council of the Order of St. John which overseas the work of the St. John Ambulance Brigade.
- Attending and addressing conferences, school graduations and other important meetings.
- Meeting with citizens of the country by appointments to discuss a variety of matters including public and personal problems.