Audit Department

Audit Department
The Office of the Director of Audit is established under Section 82 (1) of the Grenada Constitution, which states that there shall be a Director of Audit whose office shall be a public office.
Mr. Gary Walters
Mt. Wheldale
St. George's
Grenada, W.I.
: (473) 440-2264/6518
: (473) 435-0079
: [email protected]
Our Mission is to bring about good government through the promotion of greater accountability and transparency.
To develop a cadre of highly motivated and a professional staff providing the best quality of audit service to the State.
Appointment of the Director of Audit
The appointment of the Director of Audit is enshrined in Section 87 of the Grenada Constitution Order.
In summary, the Director of Audit is appointed by the Governor General acting in accordance with the advice of the Public Service Commission (PSC), after the PSC has consulted the Prime Minister.
The main duties of the Director of Audit are:
- To carry out the responsibilities of Chief Accounting Officer of the Audit Department.
- To audit the Public Accounts of Grenada, the accounts of all officers and authorities of the Government of Grenada, the accounts of all courts in Grenada (including any accounts of the Court of Appeal or High Court maintained in Grenada), the accounts of the Clerk to the Senate and the House of Representatives.
- To report to Parliament on the accounts listed above.
- To assist Parliament through the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) during its meeting to discuss the report and the accounts.