Government Ministries

Office of The Prime Minister
The portfolio and mandate of the Office of the Prime Minister is inextricably linked with the role of the Prime Minister as Head of the Government and Chairman of Cabinet.

Ministry of Finance
Efficient and effective delivery of finance and economic services to the national, regional and international communities.

Ministry of National Security, Home Affairs, Public Administration, Information and Disaster Management

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade & Export Development
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Grenada is the entity responsible for the formulation and execution of the foreign policy of the State of Grenada as it involves the bilateral or multilateral relations with other states and with regional and international organizations.

Ministry of Economic Development, Planning, Tourism, Creative Economy, Culture, Agriculture and Lands, Forestry, Marine Resources and Cooperatives
Driving the process of transforming the economic well-being and quality of life of the nation in accordance with targeted goals and objectives.

Ministry of Infrastructure and Physical Development, Public Utilities, Civil Aviation & Transportation
The Ministry protects and enhances the nation’s investment in infrastructure and provides regulatory oversight for Public Utilities.

Ministry of Carriacou & Petite Martinique Affairs and Local Government
Enhancing and improving the way of life and well-being of the people of Carriacou and Petite-Martinique.

Ministry of Social & Community Development, Housing and Gender Affairs
The most accessible service-oriented organization, for improving the quality of life for Grenadians.

Ministry of Mobilisation, Implementation & Transformation

Ministry of Climate Resilience, The Environment & Renewable Energy
Enhancing Grenada's ability to anticipate, prepare for, and respond to hazardous events, trends, or disturbances related to climate.

Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports
A resilient education system developing well rounded, global citizens committed to lifelong learning.

Ministry of Health, Wellness & Religious Affairs
The Ministry of Health Grenada - engages with the Grenadian community at home and abroad.

Ministry of Legal Affairs, Labour & Consumer Affairs
Ministry of Legal Affairs is mandated to ensure that all actions taken by Government and its various Ministries and Department are within the laws of the land and in conformity with our international obligations.